For people who are in transition – perhaps your circumstances have changed: your career path is shifting, you’ve become a parent, you’re facing a health, relationship or existential crisis and you’re left feeling …

  • Overwhelmed, confused, stuck, and lacking in confidence
  • Like a shadow of your former self. You’ve lost your mojo and want it back
  • That you’re destined for bigger things in your job, relationship, career or lifestyle
  • Frustrated, unhappy or anxious
  • Stuck in your head reliving past events or worrying about the future, unable to feel at ease in the present moment
  • A lack of connection. To yourself, and to your loved ones.
  • Crippled by fear, doubt and self-criticism
  • Exhausted, burned-out and overwhelmed
  • Sick of all the chasing and striving. No matter how much you hustle, you never seem to get “there”
  • The rising tide of discontent. Despite ticking all the boxes and achieving #allthethings you’re wondering what’s next, and know you’re destined for more.

    I teach proven neuroscience, mindfulness and cognitive techniques to help you transform your life from the inside out.

    This life coaching and mentoring package can help you:

    • Gain clarity and confidence to take action on your dreams
    • Create authentic lasting joy, contentment and fulfillment from the inside out
    • Develop greater self-awareness, deeper connection, and personal insight
    • Feel happier, calmer and less stressed
    • Develop the resilience skills to cope with whatever life throws at you
    • Trust your intuition and be guided by your inner knowing
    • Find greater meaning, purpose and personal fulfilment
    • Reconnect with more of what lights you up and makes you shine
    • Develop supportive beliefs and a positive and empowering mindset to get you there
    • Overcome any fear, criticism, self-doubt and overwhelm that is keeping you stuck
    • Establish clear boundaries to protect your time and energy

    Tell me what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? ~ Mary Oliver


    I have been there in the trenches too, and I get it.

    I have successfully navigated many periods of transition including: motherhood and raising three kids under three (yes, that includes a set of twins!), three successful career changes, startup phase of two businesses, living and working overseas, and have journeyed through anxiety, depression, accident trauma and chronic pain.

    During some of my toughest times, came some of my greatest insights into the human mind and how we create our experience.

    Understanding this became my passion and my life’s work.

    I am trained in mindfulness, meditation and life coaching, and have spent hundreds of hours studying neuroscience, Positive Psychology, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, NLP and consciousness.

    Through all of this I have developed an ultra resilient mindset, and the tools to confidently handle whatever life throws at me, and create life exactly on my terms.

    Life is short, and our suffering is optional.

    Let me help guide you out.

    Your best life awaits.



    Together we will uncover your desires, truth and passion so that you can step into your power, embrace your purpose and trust your inner guidance.

    We will overhaul your mindset, quieting your inner critic and instilling self-belief, self-acceptance and compassion. We’ll double down on your self-worth and confidence and bring your vision to life.

    We’ll identify your blocks, and examine your thinking and the beliefs that are keeping you stuck, and map out an action plan to get you to where you want to be!

    You’ll get guidance, accountability and support with a trained and experienced coach to help you consciously create a life you love.



    What you will receive:

    powerful and thought provoking pre-coaching questionnaire

    Initial 90 minute power session to start off our coaching series

    5 x 50 minute Skype or Phone sessions, fortnightly over 12 weeks

    A post-session follow-up email outlining key takeaways and action points from each session

    Unlimited email support between sessions where you can ask questions and share your successes

    Relevant worksheets, meditations, resources and other useful tools to support you throughout your series.

    Bonues Included:

    Voxer Voice messaging support for the duration of your series – it’s like having a coach in your pocket!

    PSYCH-K® Session to remove limiting beliefs 

    Your Investment:

    $600 per month for 3 months, or I offer a 5% discount if paid upfront in full ($1710).

    Book a complimentary 30 minute discovery call to chat face to face and let’s get to know each other and see if we’re a great match for a coaching partnership.

    my clients have experienced the following:

    Coaching was great for a mental reframe and shift in my thinking. I was able to realise that I was capable of doing some of the things I dreamed of. It taught me to get out of my own narrowed thinking and reach beyond to something new and possible. Suze finds a way to bring hope and focus into a person’s life, with personal touches like meditation to start the session, and pep talks if it’s a flat day. She helped me realise that I was worthy of pursuing the dreams I have, and encouraged me all the way in making those things happen.

    Suze loves to help people, wrapping them in a warm bubble of caring love, while working through the difficult task of life coaching – helping you work out what you want from life, and how to get there. The coaching series was very helpful and positive and I felt very inspired and energised to take action. She helped me immensely, to get out of the depressive rut I was in, and to focus my mind and time to the talents I do have.

    Hannah Mitchell

    Suzanne’s passion for coaching and her intuitive skills helped me to not only acknowledge my strengths, but grow my confidence and belief in myself as I travelled through my self -discovery journey and built my new business.

    I was feeling overwhelmed when it came to stepping out of my comfort zone and taking that next step, but Suzanne helped me to create goals that were not only powerful, but were deeply connected to me which ignited a desire to take actions without fear and achieve them with a new sense of confidence.

    Suzanne showed me compassion and love, along with a gentle yet firm accountability that at times I needed to continue my epic journey of self-discovery and starting a new business. Suzanne not only helped me to achieve my goals but has given me invaluable tools that I continue to use in all areas of my life.

    Tracy Absolom | Tulips and Tuxedos

    Suze created a safe and nurturing space for me to really dig deep and explore my personal values and needs. She helped me to frame and structure my goals in a way I had never done before.

    I have truly learnt a lot about myself during this process and have become a calmer, happier and more confident person. Overall I am much kinder to myself, I don’t feel guilty about every decision and action, and I am more mindful and more calm. I also feel that I am just enjoying life a lot more.

    Suze has helped me overcome issues of self-worth, body image and anxiety by enabling me to organise my thoughts and empowering me to take action towards my goals. This experience has been invaluable to me, and I couldn’t have achieved this without Suze’s insightful guidance

    Shannon Cormick